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Join me to learn about Neurofeedback on January 18, 2018

I became interested in neurofeedback after an experience with the intervention at an ATTAch conference many, many years ago in some forgotten state. The conferences I had attended were out of state venues, which was great since I love traveling! But, I dreaded staying in hotels because I had never been a decent hotel sleeper, especially if the hotel stay would only be for a few days. So, every ATTAch conference left me feeling like a sleep deprived curmudgeon because it only lasted enough days for me to get used to my new sleeping arrangement before the return travel home. You get the picture.....excitement to network and learn about Developmental Trauma, no sleep, grouchy existence, getting used to sleeping again, travel back home, no sleep, grouchy existence......

But this conference I am writing about was different. After a restless night of insomnia, I made my way to the hotel lobby for coffee and carbs. I noticed a long line of conference attendees to see what looked like a computer game. "Whoopty do," my sleep deprived brain thought. Out of curiosity, I shuffled my way to the presenter's table; I was trying to figure out how to make a caffeine IV bag while listening to her talk about neurofeedback and how it can be a useful treatment intervention. I did not have any workshops to attend that morning, so I sleep walked into the line of curious attendees. When I reached the presenter we had an interesting discussion about sleep. Sleep has a very delicate and complex architecture. I learned that it takes an enormous amount of energy to shut down the brain so that sleep can occur. I talked to her about my sleep issue in the hotel and we talked about my brain being underaroused, meaning not having the energy to fall asleep and to stay asleep. She placed some sensors on my head and I 'played' a game for only one minute. After the session, I did notice feeling more awake and went about that day forgetting about the one minute session until it was time to go to sleep. And did I sleep? Yes, I slept very well. I could not believe that I was able to sleep on day 2 of the conference instead of my usual day 4. I found the presenter that morning and told her that I was able to sleep. Then I picked her brain about migraines since I experienced those, too. Just an FYI, neurofeedback has completely abolished my migraines. I have not had a migraine since 2003!

When I plan an intervention with neurofeedback, I use a simple checklist to determine the arousal levels of the brain: Underaroused, Overaroused, Unstable, and Disordered. Mental health diagnoses are duly noted, but those labels are more of a shorthand for psychiatrists and counselors to use for a symptoms. I am more interested in what the brain is doing too much of or not enough and how this affects functioning.

Neurofeedback is a nonintrusive brain wave training intervention. Sensors are placed onto the areas we want to train to measure or monitor the brain waves; nothing is added to the person's system, like medications or mind control. The person watches or 'plays' a computer game which is actually a software interface which acts as an avatar for the brain. We cannot change what we do not know, so the avatar acts as a representation of the brain's functioning and allows us to see the pattern of functioning and to change it through operant conditioning. We get points and pleasant bell sounds when the brain does what we want it to do. The healthier brain functioning is adapted into regular, daily life outside of the session; this is when we know positive change is happening!!

If you want to learn more about using neurofeedback to gain healthier brain functioning, then please join me at 1550 Old Henderson Rd. Columbus, OH 43220 on January 18, 2018 at 7-9pm. I will be presenting neurofeedback for an hour and will be available for questions. Terri Johnston will be presenting on EMDR as an intervention to heal trauma associated with adoption. It will be a great night for learning!!

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